A beginner's guide to using 'Pug' for server-side rendering in Node.js

A Beginner's Guide to Using Pug for Server-Side Rendering in Node.js

Server-side rendering is a popular technique for creating web applications. It is a way of rendering HTML on the server-side of an application and sending it to the client. This technique offers a variety of advantages such as improved performance, SEO optimization, and improved security. Node.js is a popular platform for creating web applications, and Pug is a powerful templating language for Node.js. In this guide, we'll look at how to set up Pug for server-side rendering in Node.js and create a basic template.

Part 1: Setting Up Pug for Server-Side Rendering

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment. It is used to build a variety of server-side applications, including web applications, mobile applications, IoT applications, chat-bots, and more. Node.js can be used to create a powerful stack for server-side rendering. The Node.js platform allows developers to use the same language (JavaScript) on both the client-side and server-side of the application. This makes it easier to create applications that are more secure, reliable, and efficient.

Pug is a templating language for Node.js. It is used to create HTML for server-side applications. It is an easy-to-learn language that provides a way to write HTML in a concise and structured way. It is also easy to read, which makes it easy for developers to collaborate and understand each other's code.

There are many benefits to using Pug for server-side rendering in Node.js. It is easy to learn, and it is very efficient. It is also very secure, since it compiles the HTML on the server-side before it is sent to the client. This makes it more difficult for malicious users to inject malicious code into the application. Pug also allows developers to create reusable code, which is an important feature for applications that require a lot of HTML.

In order to get started with Pug for server-side rendering, the first step is to install it in Node.js. To do this, run the following command in the terminal:

npm install pug

Once Pug is installed, you can create a Pug file in the same directory as your Node.js application. A Pug file typically consists of a mix of HTML and Pug code. The HTML code defines the structure of the page, and the Pug code is used to create dynamic content. Pug also uses variables and conditionals to create more complex content. For example, variables can be used to store data, and conditionals can be used to check if certain conditions are true before displaying certain content.

Part 2: Creating a Basic Template

The next step is to create a basic template with Pug. To do this, create a file called “index.pug” in the same directory as your Node.js application. In this file, you can use the HTML tags to create the structure of your page. For example, you can use the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags to create the page structure.

    title My Page
    h1 My Page

You can also use variables to store data and display it on the page. For example, if you want to display a user’s name on the page, you can create a variable and assign it the user’s name. Then, you can use the #{var} syntax to display the variable on the page.

    title My Page
    h1 My Page
    p Welcome, #{name}

Pug also allows you to use conditionals to check if certain conditions are true before displaying certain content. For example, you can use the if statement to check if a user is logged in before displaying a greeting. You can also use expressions to evaluate values and display different content based on the result.

    title My Page
    h1 My Page
    if user
      p Welcome, #{user.name}
      p Please log in

Pug also allows you to create loops to display lists of data. For example, if you want to display a list of users, you can use the each loop to iterate over the list of users and display their information.

    title My Page
    h1 My Page
      each user in users
        li #{user.name}

Part 3: Advanced Template Features

Once you’ve created a basic template, you can add more advanced features to create a more complex application. One way to do this is by creating custom filters. Filters are functions that modify the content of a template before it is rendered. For example, you can create a filter that takes a HTML string and converts it to markdown before it is rendered. This can be useful for creating content-rich applications.

Pug also allows you to use mixins to create reusable code. Mixins are functions that can be used in multiple places throughout a template. This can be useful for creating components that are used in multiple places throughout a template. For example, if you want to create a navigation menu that is used in multiple places throughout your application, you can create a mixin to handle the code for the navigation menu.

Finally, Pug allows you to use the include directive and extend layouts. The include directive allows you to include other Pug files in a template. This can be useful for creating modular code and making it easier to maintain your code. The extend directive allows you to create a base layout that can be extended by other templates. This can be useful for creating a consistent look and feel throughout your application.


In this guide, we have looked at how to set up Pug for server-side rendering in Node.js and create a basic template. We have also explored some of the advanced features that Pug offers, such as custom filters, mixins, and extending layouts. By using Pug for server-side rendering, you can create more secure, efficient, and maintainable applications.

When using Pug for server-side rendering, it is important to remember to create a secure and safe environment. This means avoiding storing sensitive information in plain text, using encryption when possible, and using secure protocols. It is also important to keep your code up to date and to use best practices when writing your code.