Creating Excel reports with openpyxl

Creating Excel Reports with Openpyxl

Openpyxl is a powerful Python library that is used to read, write and manipulate Excel spreadsheets. It was first released in 2010 and has been actively developed ever since. Openpyxl is an excellent library for creating Excel-based reports. It can be used to create reports from data stored in a variety of formats such as CSV files, databases and Excel workbooks. In this blog post, we’ll look at how to use Openpyxl to create Excel reports.


Openpyxl is a Python library that is used to read and write Microsoft Excel files. It supports both xlsx and xlsm files, as well as other related formats such as OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) and HTML. Openpyxl can also be used to create new Excel workbooks and manipulate existing ones.

What is Openpyxl?

Openpyxl is a Python library that is used to read, write and manipulate Excel spreadsheets. It supports both xlsx and xlsm files, as well as other related formats such as OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) and HTML. Openpyxl can also be used to create new Excel workbooks and manipulate existing ones.

Benefits of using Openpyxl to create Excel reports

Openpyxl offers a number of advantages over other solutions for creating Excel reports. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • It is easy to install and use.
  • It supports a wide variety of formats, including CSV files, databases and Excel workbooks.
  • It is fast and efficient.
  • It can be used to create complex reports and visuals.
  • It allows for formatting and styling of the report.
  • It can be used to automate the report generation process.

Installing and Importing Openpyxl

Before you can begin using Openpyxl to create Excel reports, you will need to install it. The easiest way to install Openpyxl is by using pip, the Python package manager. To install Openpyxl using pip, open a command prompt and type the following:

pip install openpyxl

Once Openpyxl is installed, you will need to import it into your Python script. To do this, add the following line of code to the top of the script:

import openpyxl

Creating an Excel Workbook

Once Openpyxl is installed and imported, you can start creating an Excel workbook. To do this, you first need to create a workbook object. To do this, use the openpyxl.Workbook() function. This function will create an empty workbook with no sheets. You can then add sheets to the workbook.

workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()

Adding Sheets to the Workbook

Once you have created the workbook object, you can add sheets to it. To do this, use the workbook.add_sheet() method. This method takes one argument, which is the name of the sheet. Here is an example of how to add a sheet called “Sheet1” to the workbook:

sheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet1')

Writing Data to Excel

Once you have created the workbook and added sheets to it, you can start writing data to the sheets. There are several ways to do this. You can write data directly to the sheet, or you can create dataframes and then write them to the sheet.

Creating dataframes

Dataframes are a powerful tool for manipulating data in Python. They allow you to structure your data in a way that makes it easier to analyze and manipulate. To create a dataframe, you can use the pandas library. Pandas is a popular library for data analysis and manipulation in Python. To create a dataframe, use the pandas.DataFrame() function. This function takes a list of lists as an argument. Here is an example of how to create a dataframe from a list of lists:

import pandas as pd

data = [['John', 'Smith', '123 Main St.'],
        ['Jane', 'Doe', '456 Park Ave.'],
        ['Bob', 'Jones', '789 Elm St.']]

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['First Name', 'Last Name', 'Address'])

Writing dataframes to Excel sheets

Once you have created a dataframe, you can write it to an Excel sheet. To do this, use the dataframe.to_excel() method. This method takes two arguments: the name of the Excel file and the sheet name. Here is an example of how to write the dataframe created above to an Excel sheet called “Sheet1” in an Excel file called “myfile.xlsx”:

df.to_excel('myfile.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1')

Formatting the Excel Report

Once you have written the data to the Excel sheet, you can begin formatting the report. Openpyxl has a number of features that can be used to format the report, including inserting images, charts and other visuals, applying conditional formatting, and setting print options.

Inserting images, charts and other visuals

Openpyxl has a number of features that can be used to insert images, charts and other visuals into the Excel report. To insert an image, use the openpyxl.drawing.Image() function. This function takes two arguments: the path to the image file and the coordinates of where to insert the image. Here is an example of how to insert an image called “myimage.jpg” at the coordinates (1,1):

from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image

img = Image('myimage.jpg')

Applying conditional formatting

Openpyxl also allows you to apply conditional formatting to the cells in the Excel sheet. This can be used to highlight certain cells or to apply different formats to cells depending on their values. To apply conditional formatting, use the openpyxl.worksheet.conditional_formatting.Rule() function. This function takes three arguments:  a range of cells to apply the formatting to, a rule type, and a set of parameters for the rule.

from openpyxl.worksheet.conditional_formatting import Rule

rule = Rule('A1:A10', 'greaterThan', 150)

Setting print options

Openpyxl also allows you to set print options for the Excel report. These options include page size, orientation, page breaks, margins, and header and footer. To set print options, use the openpyxl.worksheet.PageSetup() function. This function takes a number of keyword arguments that can be used to set the various options.

from openpyxl.worksheet import PageSetup

setup = PageSetup(


Openpyxl is a powerful library for creating Excel reports. It offers a number of advantages over other solutions, such as ease of installation and use, support for a wide variety of formats, and the ability to automate the report generation process. In this blog post, we have looked at how to use Openpyxl to create Excel reports, from installing and importing Openpyxl to writing data to Excel and formatting the report.

Benefits of using Openpyxl to create Excel reports

Openpyxl offers a number of advantages over other solutions for creating Excel reports. These include ease of installation and use, support for a wide variety of formats, and the ability to automate the report generation process.

Tips on dealing with complex data structures

When dealing with complex data structures, it is often best to use dataframes. Dataframes are a powerful tool for manipulating data in Python and can be used to easily create complex reports. They can also be used to write data to Excel sheets.

Final thoughts on creating Excel reports with Openpyxl

Openpyxl is an excellent library for creating Excel reports. It is easy to install and use, and it offers a number of features for formatting and styling the report. By taking advantage of these features, you can create professional-looking reports quickly and easily.