Explain Spring Boot Admin

Explaining Spring Boot Admin

As someone who has worked with Spring Boot Admin, I can tell you that it is a really helpful tool for monitoring and managing your Spring Boot applications. It provides a user interface that allows you to view important metrics and information about your application, such as CPU usage, memory usage, and the number of requests being processed.

What is Spring Boot Admin?

Spring Boot Admin is an open-source project that provides a web-based user interface for managing and monitoring your Spring Boot applications. It is built on top of Spring Boot Actuator, which is a framework that provides information about your application's health, metrics, and other operational data. The user interface that Spring Boot Admin provides is customizable, so you can view the information that is most important to you.

How to use Spring Boot Admin?

To use Spring Boot Admin, you first need to add the appropriate dependencies to your application's build file. Once you have done that, you can start your application, and it will automatically register itself with Spring Boot Admin. Then, you can navigate to the Spring Boot Admin web interface in your browser, and you will be able to see information about your application.

You can view detailed information about your application's status, such as its health, metrics, and configuration properties. You can also view information about the JVM running your application, such as memory usage and garbage collection statistics.

If you need to manage your application, you can do that from the Spring Boot Admin interface as well. For example, you can stop or restart your application, or you can view and modify its configuration properties.

Customizing Spring Boot Admin

If you want to customize the Spring Boot Admin interface to show specific information about your application, you can do that by creating a custom dashboard. A dashboard is a set of views that you can use to display information about your application. You can create your own views by extending the Spring Boot Admin UI API, which provides a set of components and services that you can use to build your dashboard.

// Here's an example of a custom dashboard that displays information about a specific application:

package com.example.demo;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.config.AdminServerProperties;
import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.config.EnableAdminServer;
import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.domain.entities.InstanceRepository;
import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.web.client.HttpHeadersProvider;
import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.web.client.InstanceExchangeFilterFunction;
import de.codecentric.boot.admin.server.web.client.InstanceWebClient;

public class DemoApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);

    public HttpHeadersProvider customHttpHeadersProvider() {
        return (instance) -> {
            HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
            headers.set("X-CUSTOM-HEADER", "custom-value");
            return headers;

    public InstanceExchangeFilterFunction customInstanceExchangeFilterFunction() {
        return (instance, request, next) -> {
            return next.exchange(request).doOnSuccess((response) -> {
                System.out.println("Custom filter: " + response.statusCode());

    public InstanceWebClient instanceWebClient(InstanceRepository repository,
            AdminServerProperties adminServerProperties,
            HttpHeadersProvider headersProvider,
            InstanceExchangeFilterFunction exchangeFilterFunction) {
        return InstanceWebClient.builder()

In conclusion, Spring Boot Admin is a valuable tool for monitoring and managing your Spring Boot applications. It provides a customizable user interface that allows you to view important metrics and information about your application, and it also allows you to manage your application from the web interface. If you need to customize the interface further, you can create your own views using the Spring Boot Admin UI API.