Hackerrank Ruby Control Structures - Until Solution

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This challenge has a beautiful one-liner answer.

"A hacker practices on HackerRank until getting to a rating of O(1) read as (Oh-one)"

Call the method coder.practice until coder.oh_one? becomes true.

Use the until control structure.

until is the logical equivalent of while not.


while not <condition>


until <condition>

or the beautiful one-liner

<code> until <condition>  

Solution in ruby

Approach 1.

until coder.oh_one? do coder.practice end

Approach 2.

# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
coder.practice until coder.oh_one?

Approach 3.

# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
coder.practice until coder.oh_one?