Hackerrank Ruby Hash - Each Solution

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You've seen the control structure each used on an array. Similarly, it is available for the Hash collection, as well.

On Hash, it works in two ways.

Consider the example

user = {"viv" : 10, "simmy" : 20, "sp2hari" : 30}

Using each, each element can be iterated as

user.each do |key, value|
    # some code on individual key, value


user.each do |arr|
    # here arr[0] is the key and arr[1] is the value

Your task is to use each and iterate through the collection and print the key-value pair in separate lines.


puts key
puts value

Solution in ruby

Approach 1.

def iter_hash(hash)
    hash.each do |k, v|
        puts k
        puts v

Approach 2.

def iter_hash(hash)
    hash.each do |key,value|
        puts key
        puts value

Approach 3.

def iter_hash(hash)
    hash.each do |key, value|
        puts key
        puts value