magento 2 translate js

Magento 2 Translate JS

If you are working with Magento 2 and need to translate JavaScript strings, you can use the built-in translation functionality provided by Magento. Here are the steps to translate JS in Magento 2:

Step 1: Create a Translation File

Create a translation file in the following path: app/code/[Vendor]/[Module]/i18n/[language_code].csv. Replace [Vendor], [Module], and [language_code] with your own values.

The contents of the translation file should be in the following format:

"string to be translated","translated string"
"Add to Cart","Ajouter au panier"

Step 2: Add a Translation Method

Add a translate method to your JavaScript file. The method should take the string to be translated as the parameter and return the translated string. Here is an example:

define([], function(){
  return {
    translate: function(string){
      return $.mage.__('string');

Step 3: Use the Translation Method

In your JavaScript code, call the translate method to translate the strings. Here is an example:

define(['jquery', 'mage/translate'], function($, $t){
  var translatedString = $t.translate('Hello');

You can use this method to translate any string in your JavaScript code.

Alternative Method: Use the Translation Widget

If you prefer, you can use the translation widget provided by Magento. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Add the translation widget to your HTML file:

<div data-bind="i18n: 'Hello'"></div>

Step 2: Create a translation file as described in Step 1 above.

When the page loads, the translation widget will automatically replace the string with the translated string.

That's it! You can now translate JavaScript strings in Magento 2 using either method.