refresh div after ajax success

Refreshing a Div after Ajax Success

As a web developer, I have often encountered situations where I need to refresh a section of a webpage after an Ajax call has been successful. This can be accomplished easily using jQuery library.

Method 1: Using jQuery load() method

One way to refresh a div after Ajax success is by using the jQuery load() method. This method loads data from the server and places the returned HTML into the selected element.

   url: "your-page-url",
   success: function(data){

In the above code snippet, we are making an Ajax call to the server, and on success, we are updating the content of a div with the returned data.

Method 2: Using jQuery get() method

Another way to refresh a div after Ajax success is by using the jQuery get() method. This method loads data from the server using a HTTP GET request and inserts the returned HTML into the selected element.

$.get("your-page-url", function(data){

In the above code snippet, we are making an Ajax GET request to the server and updating the content of a div with the returned data.

Method 3: Using JavaScript location.reload() method

A third way to refresh a div after Ajax success is by using the JavaScript location.reload() method. This method reloads the current webpage, which will refresh all the content on the page, including the div that you want to refresh.

   url: "your-page-url",
   success: function(){

In the above code snippet, we are making an Ajax call to the server, and on success, we are reloading the current webpage, which will refresh all the content on the page.


In conclusion, there are various ways to refresh a div after Ajax success. The jQuery load() and get() methods can be used to update the content of a div with the returned HTML. Alternatively, you can use the JavaScript location.reload() method to refresh the entire page.