run react native app in production mode


Running React Native App in Production Mode

When it comes to deploying a React Native app to production, you want to make sure that it's optimized for performance and is running in production mode. This means that the app is free of development-related features that can slow it down and is ready to be used by your users.

Option 1: Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

The first way to run your React Native app in production mode is by using the CLI. Here's how:

      $ react-native run-android --variant=release
      $ react-native run-ios --configuration Release

This will build your app in release mode and optimize it for production. You can then deploy it to the app store or distribute it to your users.

Option 2: Modifying the Build Configuration

The second way to run your React Native app in production mode is by modifying the build configuration. Here's how:

  • Open the android/app/build.gradle file for Android or the ios/Podfile file for iOS.
  • Find the line that reads buildTypes { ... } for Android or target 'MyApp' do ... end for iOS.
  • Add the following line inside the buildTypes { ... } block for Android or inside the target 'MyApp' do ... end block for iOS:

      for (def i = 0; i < signingConfigs.size(); i++) {
        signingConfigs[i].storeFile = null
        signingConfigs[i].storePassword = null
        signingConfigs[i].keyAlias = null
        signingConfigs[i].keyPassword = null

This will remove the signing configuration from your app and optimize it for production. You can then build and deploy it to the app store or distribute it to your users.