Using 'Nodemailer' to send emails from your Node.js app

Using Nodemailer to Send Emails From Your Node.js App

Email remains one of the most effective means of communication. It’s used in both personal and business settings. As such, it’s important to have an effective emailing system in place. Fortunately, if you are working on a Node.js application, there is a great tool available called Nodemailer that can help you easily send emails from your app.


Nodemailer is a Node.js module that makes it easy to send emails. It supports a variety of transports, including SMTP, Gmail, and Amazon SES. It also allows you to attach files and embed images in your emails. Additionally, Nodemailer has great flexibility with HTML templates and allows you to use your own custom templates to create beautiful emails.

Overview of Nodemailer

Nodemailer is an open source Node.js module that enables developers to send emails from their Node.js applications. It supports several different transport methods, including SMTP, Gmail, and Amazon SES. It has a straightforward API, and you can write your own code to customize it for your needs.

Nodemailer also has built-in support for templating, which makes it easy to create attractive emails with minimal effort. It supports HTML, plain text, and handlebars templates, and you can also write your own custom templates. Nodemailer also supports attachments and embedded images in your emails. Additionally, Nodemailer has an extensive list of options to customize your emails and make them look exactly the way you want.

Benefits of Using Nodemailer

Nodemailer has several benefits when it comes to sending emails from your Node.js applications. First, it is fast and simple to set up. You can get started with Nodemailer in just a few minutes. Second, Nodemailer is reliable and secure. It supports a variety of transport methods so you can be sure your emails will get where they need to go. Third, Nodemailer has a powerful templating system, which makes it easy to create beautiful emails. Finally, Nodemailer is free and open source, so you can customize it to fit your needs.

Setting Up Nodemailer

Once you’ve decided to use Nodemailer for your Node.js app, the first step is to install it. You can install Nodemailer using npm or yarn.

Installing Nodemailer

To install Nodemailer using npm, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install nodemailer

To install Nodemailer using yarn, run the following command in your terminal:

yarn add nodemailer

Configuring the Email Client

Once you’ve installed Nodemailer, you need to configure the email client. You can do this by creating an .env file and adding your email credentials.

The .env file should look something like this:

Once you’ve added your credentials to the .env file, you can use the process.env object to access them in your Node.js code.

Writing the Code

Now that you’ve installed and configured Nodemailer, you can start writing the code. The code you write will depend on the type of email you are sending, but the basic structure of the code is the same for all emails.

Creating a Basic Email Template

The first step is to create an HTML template for your email. This template should include all the necessary elements such as your logo, links, and text. You can create this template using HTML or a templating language such as Handlebars.

Once you’ve created the template, you can add your content to it. The content of the email should include a subject line, a body, and any other elements you want to include.

Setting the Necessary Variables

Once you’ve created the template and added your content, you need to set the necessary variables. This includes the recipient’s email address, the sender’s email address, the subject line, and the message body.

You can set these variables using the process.env object. For example, if you want to set the recipient’s email address, you can use the following code:

let recipient = process.env.EMAIL_RECIPIENT;

Sending the Email

Once you’ve set the necessary variables, you can send the email using the Nodemailer.sendMail() method. This method takes an object as an argument, which should include the recipient’s email address, the sender’s email address, the subject line, and the message body.

For example, the following code will send an email with the subject line “Hello!” and the body “This is a test email.”

let mailOptions = {
    from: process.env.EMAIL_SENDER,
    to: process.env.EMAIL_RECIPIENT,
    subject: 'Hello!',
    text: 'This is a test email.'

nodemailer.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
    if (error) {
    } else {
        console.log('Email sent: ' + info.response);

Testing and Troubleshooting

Once you’ve written the code, you need to test it to make sure it works properly. If you’re using a service like Gmail or Amazon SES, you can use the built-in testing tools to test the code and make sure it works as expected.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If the code doesn’t work as expected, there are a few common issues you can check. First, make sure the credentials in the .env file are correct. Second, make sure the recipient’s email address is correct. Third, make sure the message body is formatted correctly. Finally, make sure the email server is configured correctly.

Testing the Email

Once you’ve checked for and fixed any common issues, you can test the email. You can either send it to yourself or use a service like Mailtrap to test it. Mailtrap is a service that allows you to send test emails without actually sending them. This is a great way to test emails without actually sending them and making sure they look the way you want them to.


Nodemailer is a great tool for sending emails from your Node.js applications. It’s fast and simple to set up, reliable and secure, and has an excellent templating system. Additionally, Nodemailer is free and open source, so you can customize it to fit your needs. With Nodemailer, you can easily send emails from your Node.js app.

Summary and Takeaways

Nodemailer is a great tool for sending emails from your Node.js applications. It’s fast and simple to set up, reliable and secure, and has an excellent templating system. Additionally, Nodemailer is free and open source, so you can customize it to fit your needs. With Nodemailer, you can easily send emails from your Node.js app.

Further Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about Nodemailer, here are some helpful resources: