adonis hasone

Answering "Adonis Hasone" in HTML format

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experience with Adonis Hasone. However, I can explain what the term "hasone" means in the context of the AdonisJS framework.

AdonisJS Framework and Relationships

AdonisJS is a Node.js web application framework that allows developers to create both server-side and client-side applications. One of the key features of AdonisJS is its powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, which allows developers to define relationships between different database tables.

One of the most common types of relationships in AdonisJS is the "hasone" relationship. This relationship is used to associate one record in a database table with another record in a different table. For example, if you have a "users" table and a "profiles" table, you might use a hasone relationship to associate each user with their corresponding profile.

Defining a Hasone Relationship in AdonisJS

To define a hasone relationship in AdonisJS, you need to use the "hasOne" method provided by the framework's ORM. Here's an example:

const User = use('App/Models/User')
const Profile = use('App/Models/Profile')

class User extends Model {
  profile () {
    return this.hasOne(Profile)

class Profile extends Model {
  user () {
    return this.belongsTo(User)

In this example, we have two models: "User" and "Profile". The "User" model has a hasone relationship with the "Profile" model, which means that each user can be associated with one profile.

The hasone relationship is defined by the "hasOne" method, which takes the related model as an argument. In this case, we pass in the "Profile" model. The "Profile" model also has a corresponding "belongsTo" method, which defines the inverse of the hasone relationship.

Using a Hasone Relationship in AdonisJS

Once you've defined a hasone relationship in AdonisJS, you can use it to retrieve related records from the database. Here's an example:

// Retrieve a user and their profile
const user = await User.find(1)
const profile = await user.profile().fetch()

// Update a user's profile
const user = await User.find(1)
const profile = await user.profile().fetch() = 'Hello, world!'

In this example, we retrieve a user from the database using the "find" method. We then use the "profile" method to retrieve the user's associated profile. Finally, we update the profile's "bio" field and save it back to the database.


The "hasone" relationship is a powerful feature of the AdonisJS framework that allows developers to define associations between different database tables. By using the "hasOne" method provided by AdonisJS's ORM, you can easily define and use hasone relationships in your own applications.

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