adonisjs request ip

AdonisJS Request IP

In AdonisJS, you can get the IP address of the client who sent an HTTP request by accessing the request.ip() method. This method returns the client's IP address.

Here's an example:

Route.get('/', ({ request }) => {
  const ip = request.ip()

  return `Your IP address is ${ip}`

The request.ip() method returns the IP address of the client regardless of whether the client is behind a proxy or not. If the client is behind a proxy, the method returns the IP address of the last proxy server that forwarded the request.

Alternatively, you can also access the X-Forwarded-For header to get the original client IP address. This header is set by proxies to keep track of the original client IP address. Here's how you can access it:

Route.get('/', ({ request }) => {
  const xForwardedFor = request.header('X-Forwarded-For')

  return `Your original IP address is ${xForwardedFor}`

However, be aware that the X-Forwarded-For header can be easily spoofed by malicious clients, so it's not always reliable.

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