animejs reduce the speed

How to Reduce the Speed of an Animation with Anime.js?

If you are working with animations and looking to decrease the speed of your animation using Anime.js library, then you have landed on the right page. Here, we will discuss how to reduce the speed of your animation using Anime.js.

Using the Duration Property

The simplest way to reduce the speed of an animation in Anime.js is to use the duration property. The duration property sets the time taken by the animation to complete. By increasing the duration, we can reduce the speed of the animation.

For example, let's say we have an animation that moves an element from left to right with a duration of 1000ms:

  targets: '.box',
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 1000

By increasing the duration to 2000ms, we can reduce the speed of the animation:

  targets: '.box',
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 2000

Using the delay Property

Another way to reduce the speed of an animation in Anime.js is to use the delay property. The delay property sets a delay before the animation starts. By increasing the delay, we can reduce the speed of the animation.

For example, let's say we have an animation that fades in an element with a delay of 500ms:

  targets: '.box',
  opacity: 1,
  delay: 500

By increasing the delay to 1000ms, we can reduce the speed of the animation:

  targets: '.box',
  opacity: 1,
  delay: 1000

Using the easing Property

The easing property in Anime.js allows us to control the speed of the animation by defining the rate of change of the animation over time. By using different easing functions, we can achieve different speeds for our animation.

For example, let's say we have an animation that moves an element from left to right with a duration of 1000ms and an ease-in-out easing function:

  targets: '.box',
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 1000,
  easing: 'easeInOutQuad'

By changing the easing function to linear, we can reduce the speed of the animation:

  targets: '.box',
  translateX: 250,
  duration: 1000,
  easing: 'linear'

These are some ways to reduce the speed of an animation in Anime.js. You can use any of these methods based on your requirements.

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