Appending the option element using jquery each function

Appending the Option Element Using jQuery Each Function


If you are working on a web development project where you need to dynamically add options to a dropdown list, you can use jQuery to achieve this. The each() function in jQuery can be used to loop through an array of elements and perform an action on each of them. In this case, we can use it to loop through an array of values and append each value as an option to the dropdown list.

The Code

Let's take a look at the code for appending options using the each() function:

    var optionsArray = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"];

    $.each(optionsArray, function(index, value) {
        $('#myDropdown').append($('', {
            value: index,
            text: value

In this code, we first define an array called optionsArray, which contains the values that we want to add as options to the dropdown list. We then use the $.each() function to loop through each value in the array.

Inside the loop, we use the append() function to append each value as an option to the dropdown list. The $('<option>') creates a new option element, and we pass in two parameters:

  • value: this is the value that will be submitted when the form is submitted.
  • text: this is the text that will be displayed in the dropdown list.

By passing in the index as the value, we can make sure that each option has a unique value. This can be useful when submitting the form to the server.

Alternative Methods

There are other ways to append options to a dropdown list in jQuery, including:

  • $('#myDropdown').html(): this can be used to set the entire contents of the dropdown list, including the options. However, this can be slower than using append().
  • $('#myDropdown').val(): this can be used to set the selected value of the dropdown list.


The each() function in jQuery is a powerful tool for iterating through arrays of elements and performing actions on them. Using this function, we can easily append options to a dropdown list in a web development project. By using the value parameter, we can ensure that each option has a unique value, which can be useful when submitting forms to a server.

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