Bracket Spacing .prettierrc

Bracket Spacing .prettierrc

If you're a developer who is particular about code formatting, you may have heard of Prettier. It's a code formatter that helps standardize code formatting styles. One of the options in Prettier is "Bracket Spacing". This option allows you to control the spacing around brackets in your code.

To configure "Bracket Spacing" in Prettier, you need to create a .prettierrc file in the root of your project. This file is used to configure Prettier according to your preferences.

Here's an example of how to configure "Bracket Spacing" in your .prettierrc file:

  "bracketSpacing": true

The above configuration will add a space before and after brackets. If you prefer no spaces around brackets, you can set the value to false:

  "bracketSpacing": false

In addition to the boolean values, you can also set numeric values for "Bracket Spacing". This allows you to control the number of spaces around brackets:

  "bracketSpacing": {
    "object": 1,
    "array": 0

The above configuration will add one space before and no spaces after object brackets, and no spaces around array brackets.

Overall, Prettier offers a lot of flexibility in controlling code formatting styles. By configuring options like "Bracket Spacing" in your .prettierrc file, you can customize Prettier to work the way you want it to.

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