
Build #Configuring CommonJS Dependencies

Configuring CommonJS dependencies is an important task when building a project. CommonJS is a module system for JavaScript, which allows developers to import and export modules in a standardized way. In this post, I will discuss the steps involved in configuring CommonJS dependencies in a project.

Step 1: Install CommonJS Dependencies

The first step in configuring CommonJS dependencies is to install them. This can be done using the npm package manager. For example, to install the lodash library, run the following command:

npm install lodash --save

This will install the lodash library and save it as a dependency in the project's package.json file.

Step 2: Import CommonJS Dependencies

The next step is to import the CommonJS dependencies in the project. This can be done using the require() function. For example, to import the lodash library, add the following code to your JavaScript file:

const _ = require('lodash');

This will import the lodash library and assign it to the variable _.

Step 3: Use CommonJS Dependencies

Once the CommonJS dependencies are installed and imported, they can be used in the project. For example, to use the map() function from the lodash library, add the following code:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const squaredNumbers =, (num) => num * num);

This will create an array of squared numbers and log it to the console.


Configuring CommonJS dependencies is an essential task for any project that uses JavaScript. By following these simple steps, you can easily install, import, and use CommonJS dependencies in your project.

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