button remove class jquery

Button Remove Class jQuery

Removing a class from a button using jQuery is a common task faced by web developers. jQuery provides an easy and efficient way to remove classes from elements in your HTML code.

Using the .removeClass() Method

The .removeClass() method is used to remove one or more classes from the selected elements. To remove a class from a button using jQuery, you can use the following code:


In the code above, $('button') selects all the <button> elements in your HTML code. The .removeClass('class-name') method removes the specified class from the selected elements.

Using the .attr() Method

You can also remove a class from a button using the .attr() method. However, this method is not recommended as it may have unintended side effects on other attributes of the button.

$('button').attr('class', function(i, c){
    return c.replace('class-name', '');

In the code above, $('button') selects all the <button> elements in your HTML code. The .attr('class', function(i, c){...}) method sets the value of the class attribute of the selected elements to the return value of the callback function.

The callback function takes two arguments: i is the index of the current element in the selection, and c is the current value of the class attribute of the current element. The function returns the modified string that replaces the specified class with an empty string.


In conclusion, removing a class from a button using jQuery is a simple task that can be accomplished using the .removeClass() method or the .attr() method. However, it is recommended to use the .removeClass() method as it is more efficient and less likely to cause unintended side effects.

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