check if input has value javascript

Check if Input has Value in JavaScript

Have you ever encountered a situation where you need to check if an input field has a value in your JavaScript program? Well, I have. Let me share with you the solution I found.

Using the value Property

The easiest way to check if an input field has a value is to use the value property of the input element. Here's how to do it:

let input = document.querySelector('#myInput');
if(input.value.trim() !== '') {
  // do something

The above code checks if the input field with id "myInput" has a value or not. The trim() method is used to remove any whitespace from the beginning and end of the input value.

Using the length Property

Another way to check if an input field has a value is to use the length property of the value property. Here's how to do it:

let input = document.querySelector('#myInput');
if(input.value.length !== 0) {
  // do something

The above code checks if the input field with id "myInput" has a value or not by checking if the length of the value is not zero.

Using the Required Attribute

If you want to make sure that the user enters a value in the input field before submitting the form, you can use the required attribute. Here's how to do it:

<input type="text" id="myInput" required>

The above code adds the required attribute to the input field with id "myInput". This will make sure that the user enters a value in the input field before submitting the form.


There are multiple ways to check if an input field has a value in JavaScript. You can use the value property, the length property, or the required attribute depending on your requirements.

Remember, it's always important to validate user inputs in your JavaScript program to prevent unexpected errors and improve user experience.

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