content editable vuejs

Content Editable in Vue.js

If you are looking for a way to create content editable components in Vue.js, you can use the contenteditable attribute in combination with v-model. By doing so, you can create a component that allows users to edit and manipulate content in real-time without requiring a page refresh.

How to Implement Content Editable in Vue.js

Here is an example of how to create a content editable component in Vue.js:

Vue.component('editable', {
  template: '<div contenteditable="true" @input="update"></div>',
  props: ['content'],
  mounted() {
    this.$el.innerText = this.content;
  methods: {
    update(event) {

In the above example, we have created a component called <editable> that accepts a content prop. The component template contains a <div> element that is marked as contenteditable. We also have an @input event listener that calls the update() method whenever the user modifies the content.

The update() method emits an event called 'update:content', passing in the modified content as the payload. This allows the parent component to update the content prop with the new value.

To use the <editable> component, you can include it in your template like this:

<editable :content.sync="myContent"></editable>

In the above example, we have passed in a myContent prop that is bound to the <editable> component via the :content.sync syntax. This means that any changes made to the content inside the <editable> component will automatically update the myContent prop in the parent component.

Alternative Approaches

While the above approach is a simple and effective way to create content editable components in Vue.js, there are other approaches you can take as well. For example, you could make use of a third-party library like vue-contenteditable, which provides additional functionality and features for working with contenteditable elements.

Another alternative approach is to use a state management library like Vuex to manage the contenteditable state across your Vue.js application. This can be particularly useful if you have multiple contenteditable components that need to share state and communicate with each other.

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