convert namednodemap to object

Converting NamedNodeMap to Object

As a web developer, you might have worked with DOM (Document Object Model) and encountered the NamedNodeMap object. It is a collection of attributes associated with an element. However, sometimes you may want to convert this NamedNodeMap object into a regular JavaScript object for easier manipulation.

The Problem

Suppose you have an HTML element with the following attributes:

<div id="example" class="container" data-type="text"></div>

You can fetch the attributes using the attributes property of the element:

let element = document.getElementById("example");
let attributes = element.attributes;

// output: NamedNodeMap {0: id, 1: class, 2: data-type, id: id, class: class, data-type: data-type, length: 3}

As you can see, the attributes property returns a NamedNodeMap object. Now, let's say you want to convert this object into a regular JavaScript object with key-value pairs for each attribute. How can you achieve this?

The Solution

One way to convert the NamedNodeMap object into a JavaScript object is by iterating over each attribute and adding it as a property to a new object:

let element = document.getElementById("example");
let attributes = element.attributes;
let obj = {};

for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
  let attribute = attributes[i];
  obj[] = attribute.value;

// output: {id: "example", class: "container", "data-type": "text"}

In the above code, we create a new empty object obj. Then, we loop through each attribute in the NamedNodeMap object using a for loop. For each attribute, we extract its name and value using the name and value properties, respectively. Finally, we add a new property to the obj object with the attribute name as the key and the attribute value as the value.

Alternative Solution using Spread Operator

An alternative way to convert a NamedNodeMap object into a JavaScript object is by using the spread operator (...). We can spread the NamedNodeMap object into an empty object, which will create key-value pairs for each attribute:

let element = document.getElementById("example");
let attributes = element.attributes;
let obj = {...attributes};

// output: {0: id, 1: class, 2: data-type, id: id, class: class, data-type: data-type, length: 3}

In the above code, we create a new empty object obj. Then, we use the spread operator (...) to spread the NamedNodeMap object attributes into obj. This creates a new object with key-value pairs for each attribute in attributes.


Converting a NamedNodeMap object into a JavaScript object can be useful when working with DOM elements in JavaScript. The above solutions provide two ways to achieve this conversion: iterating over each attribute and adding them to a new object, or spreading the NamedNodeMap object into a new object using the spread operator.

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