expo android package name

Expo Android Package Name

If you are building a mobile app using Expo, you might come across the term "Expo Android Package Name". This is an important concept to understand if you are publishing your app to the Google Play Store.

What is Expo Android Package Name?

The package name is a unique identifier for your app. It is used by Android to distinguish your app from others on the app store. The package name is typically written in reverse domain name notation, such as com.example.myapp.

When you use Expo to build your app, Expo automatically generates a package name for you. This package name is unique to your app and is based on the name you gave your project when you created it. Expo also adds a suffix to the package name that is specific to your Expo account, to ensure that there are no conflicts with other apps on the app store.

How to find Expo Android Package Name

If you need to find out the Expo Android Package Name for your app, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal:

$ expo config --type app.json

This will show you the contents of your app.json file, including the "package" field, which contains the Expo Android Package Name for your app.

How to change Expo Android Package Name

If you need to change the Expo Android Package Name for your app, you can do so by editing the "package" field in your app.json file. Simply change the value of this field to a new package name that meets the requirements for Android package names.

Alternatively, you can also specify the package name when building your standalone app using Expo. To do this, run the following command:

$ expo build:android --package com.example.newappname

This will build a standalone Android app with the package name "com.example.newappname".


Expo Android Package Name is a unique identifier for your app that is used by Android to distinguish your app from others on the app store. It is important to understand how to find and change your package name if necessary, especially if you plan on publishing your app to the Google Play Store.

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