flutter row gap
What is Flutter Row Gap?
Flutter Row Gap is the space between two adjacent widgets in a row. In Flutter, the Row widget is used to create a row of widgets horizontally. The widgets are placed side by side, and the gap between them is defined by the Row Gap.
The Row Gap can be customized according to your needs. There are different ways to set the gap between widgets in a Row.
Method 1: Using SizedBox Widget
The SizedBox widget can be used to set a fixed width or height of a widget. It can also be used to set the space between widgets in a row.
Row (
children: [
SizedBox(width: 10),
SizedBox(width: 20),
The above code will create a Row with three widgets, and the gap between them will be 10 pixels for the first two widgets and 20 pixels for the last two widgets.
Method 2: Using Spacer Widget
The Spacer widget can be used to create a flexible space between widgets in a row. It takes up all the available space between widgets and distributes it equally among them.
Row (
children: [
Spacer(flex: 2),
In the above code, the Spacer widget is used to create flexible spaces between widgets. The first Spacer widget takes up all the available space between Widget1 and Widget2. The second Spacer widget takes up twice as much space as the first Spacer, so the space between Widget2 and Widget3 will be twice as much as between Widget1 and Widget2.
Method 3: Using MainAxisAlignment
The MainAxisAlignment property of the Row widget can be used to align the widgets in the row and set the space between them. There are five values for MainAxisAlignment: start, end, center, spaceBetween, and spaceAround.
Row (
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
The above code will create a Row with three widgets, and the space between each widget will be equal. The MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween property is used to distribute the space evenly between the widgets.
Method 4: Using CrossAxisAlignment
The CrossAxisAlignment property of the Row widget can be used to align the widgets vertically and set the space between them. There are three values for CrossAxisAlignment: start, end, and center.
Row (
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
The above code will create a Row with three widgets, and the space between each widget will be equal. The CrossAxisAlignment.center property is used to align the widgets vertically in the center.
In conclusion, there are different methods to set the gap between widgets in a Row. Choose the one that suits your needs best and create beautiful UIs in Flutter!