function myFunction(){ jQuery.ajax({ url: "./api/get_subscription_data", headers: { 'Authorization': "Bearer Qm3KRzAzbAHzKkeT" }, data: {

How to Use jQuery.ajax() Function to Get Subscription Data Using Bearer Token Authorization

If you want to fetch subscription data from an API using jQuery.ajax() function and Bearer Token Authorization, you can use the following code:

function myFunction() {
    url: "./api/get_subscription_data",
    headers: {
      'Authorization': "Bearer Qm3KRzAzbAHzKkeT"
    data: {}


  • The url parameter specifies the API endpoint to fetch subscription data from.
  • The headers parameter contains the authorization token for Bearer Token Authorization. You need to replace the Qm3KRzAzbAHzKkeT value with your own token.
  • The data parameter is optional and can be used to send additional data with the request.

Alternative Methods:

You can also use the $.get() method or the $.post() method to fetch subscription data from the API. Here's how:

// using $.get() method
function myFunction() {
  $.get('./api/get_subscription_data', {'Authorization': 'Bearer Qm3KRzAzbAHzKkeT'}, function(data) {

// using $.post() method
function myFunction() {
  $.post('./api/get_subscription_data', {'Authorization': 'Bearer Qm3KRzAzbAHzKkeT'}, function(data) {

The $.get() method is used to fetch data using HTTP GET method, while the $.post() method is used to fetch data using HTTP POST method. The 'Authorization' header is passed as the second parameter and the callback function is used to handle the response data.

In conclusion, you can use any of these methods to fetch subscription data from an API using Bearer Token Authorization.

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