generate and download xml from javascript

How to Generate and Download XML from JavaScript

If you're working with JavaScript, you may need to generate and download XML files. Here's how:

Method 1: Using Blob and URL.createObjectURL()

The first method is to use Blob and URL.createObjectURL() to generate a downloadable XML file.

var xml = "<root><item>Hello</item></root>";
var blob = new Blob([xml], {type: "application/xml"});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url; = "myxmlfile.xml";

  • First, we create a string containing the XML data.
  • Next, we create a Blob object with the XML data and a MIME type of "application/xml".
  • Then, we create a URL for the Blob using URL.createObjectURL().
  • We create a link element (<a>) and set its href attribute to the URL of the Blob.
  • We set the download attribute of the link element to the desired filename for the downloaded file.
  • We append the link element to the document body.
  • We simulate a click on the link element to trigger the download.
  • Finally, we revoke the URL using URL.revokeObjectURL() to free up memory.

Method 2: Using Data URI

The second method is to use a Data URI to generate the XML file and provide a download link.

var xml = "<root><item>Hello</item></root>";
var dataUri = "data:application/xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(xml);

var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = dataUri; = "myxmlfile.xml";
  • First, we create a string containing the XML data.
  • Next, we create a Data URI by combining the MIME type, character set, and encoded XML data using the encodeURIComponent() function.
  • We create a link element (<a>) and set its href attribute to the Data URI.
  • We set the download attribute of the link element to the desired filename for the downloaded file.
  • We append the link element to the document body.
  • We simulate a click on the link element to trigger the download.

These are two easy ways to generate and download XML files from JavaScript. You can choose the one that suits your needs and implement it in your project.

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