get window object in nextjs

Getting the Window Object in NextJS

If you are working with NextJS and want to access the window object, you may run into some issues. This is because NextJS uses server-side rendering, which means that some code that works in a client-side environment may not work in a server-side environment.

Method 1: Using the 'window' Global Object

One way to access the window object in NextJS is by using the 'window' global object. However, this will only work if the code is executed on the client-side.

if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
  // code that uses the window object goes here

The code above will check if the 'window' object is defined before executing the code that uses it. This will prevent any errors from occurring in a server-side environment.

Method 2: Using 'next/router'

Another way to access the window object in NextJS is by using the 'next/router' module. This module provides a method called 'useRouter()', which returns a router object that has access to the window object.

import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

function MyComponent() {
  const router = useRouter();

  console.log(router.pathname); // logs the current path

The code above demonstrates how to use the 'useRouter()' method to access the window object in NextJS. The 'router' object returned by this method has access to the window object, which can be used to get information about the current page and perform other client-side actions.


In conclusion, there are different ways to access the window object in NextJS, depending on your specific use case. You can either use the 'window' global object or the 'next/router' module to get access to the window object. However, it's important to keep in mind that client-side code may not work in a server-side environment, so it's always a good idea to check if the 'window' object is defined before using it.

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