glua how to call a hook

Calling a Hook in GLua

As a GLua developer, calling a hook is an essential part of creating addons for Garry's Mod. If you're not familiar with what a hook is, it's a function that runs when a specific event happens in the game.

Method 1: Using the hook library

The easiest way to call a hook is by using the hook library. This library provides several functions that allow you to hook into specific events in the game. The most commonly used function is hook.Add.

Here's an example of how to use hook.Add to call a hook:

hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "MyAddon_PlayerSpawn", function(ply)
    print(ply:Nick() .. " has spawned!")

In this example, we're using hook.Add to hook into the PlayerSpawn event. When a player spawns, the function we provided will be called. This function will print the player's name to the console.

Method 2: Using the GM:hook function

If you're developing an addon that extends the base functionality of Garry's Mod, you can also use the GM:hook function to call hooks.

Here's an example of how to use GM:hook:

function GM:PlayerSpawn(ply)
    print(ply:Nick() .. " has spawned!")

In this example, we've defined a function called GM:PlayerSpawn. When a player spawns, this function will be called automatically by Garry's Mod. Inside the function, we're printing the player's name to the console.

Method 3: Using the RunString function

If you're working with code that isn't part of an addon or gamemode, you can use the RunString function to call hooks.

Here's an example of how to use RunString:

local code = [[
    hook.Add("PlayerSpawn", "MyAddon_PlayerSpawn", function(ply)
        print(ply:Nick() .. " has spawned!")


In this example, we're using the RunString function to execute some code that hooks into the PlayerSpawn event. When a player spawns, our function will be called and it will print the player's name to the console.

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