google distance value to km convert
Converting Google Distance Value to Kilometers
If you have ever used the Google Maps Distance Matrix API, you may have noticed that the distance is returned in meters. However, often times we need to convert this value to kilometers for better readability. Here are a few ways you can do this conversion:
Method 1: Manual Conversion
The simplest way to convert the distance value from meters to kilometers is to divide it by 1000:
const distanceInMeters = 5000;
const distanceInKilometers = distanceInMeters / 1000; // Output: 5
Method 2: Using a Conversion Function
You can also create a function that takes in the distance in meters and returns the value in kilometers:
function convertMetersToKilometers(meters) {
const kilometers = meters / 1000;
return kilometers;
// Usage
const distanceInMeters = 5000;
const distanceInKilometers = convertMetersToKilometers(distanceInMeters); // Output: 5
Method 3: Using a Library
Another way to convert the distance value to kilometers is by using a library such as convert-units. This library allows you to easily convert between different units of measurement including length, mass, temperature, etc.
const convert = require('convert-units');
// Usage
const distanceInMeters = 5000;
const distanceInKilometers = convert(distanceInMeters).from('m').to('km'); // Output: 5
Method 4: Using Google Maps API Utility Library
If you are already using the Google Maps JavaScript API, you can also use the Google Maps API Utility Library to convert the distance value to kilometers:
// Load the library
// Usage
const distanceInMeters = 5000;
const distanceInKilometers = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeLength([LatLng1, LatLng2]) / 1000; // Output: 5
Using any of these methods, you can easily convert the distance value returned by the Google Maps Distance Matrix API to kilometers for better readability.