gsheet query select remove header

Removing Header from a Google Sheet Query Select

As someone who has worked with Google Sheets extensively, I have often found myself in a situation where I needed to remove the header from a query select. In this blog post, I will explain how to do that.

Understanding the Query Select Statement

The query select statement in Google Sheets allows you to select specific columns from a range of cells in a sheet. The basic syntax for the query select statement is:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM range
WHERE condition

You can also use the "header" keyword in the query select statement to indicate that the first row of the range should be considered as the header.

Removing the Header from a Query Select

To remove the header from a query select, you can use the "offset" keyword in the query select statement. The "offset" keyword allows you to skip a certain number of rows from the beginning of the range. In this case, we want to skip the first row, which is the header.

The modified query select statement without header would look like this:

FROM range

This modified query select statement will return all the rows from the given range except for the first row, which is the header.

Using Query Function to Remove Header from a Query Select

Another way to remove the header from a query select is by using the query function in Google Sheets. The query function allows you to execute SQL-like queries on your data in Google Sheets. The basic syntax for the query function is:

QUERY(data, query, [headers])

The "data" parameter is the range of cells you want to query. The "query" parameter is the SQL-like query you want to execute. The optional "headers" parameter is a number indicating the number of header rows to include in the result. By default, this parameter is set to 1, which means that the first row of the range will be considered as the header.

To remove the header from the query select using the query function, you can set the "headers" parameter to 0:

QUERY(range, "SELECT * OFFSET 1", 0)

This query function will return all the rows from the given range except for the first row, which is the header.


In this blog post, I have explained two ways to remove the header from a query select in Google Sheets. There are multiple ways to achieve this, but these two methods are the easiest and most commonly used.

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