Hackerrank Java Method Overriding Solution
When a subclass inherits from a superclass, it also inherits its methods; however, it can also override the superclass methods (as well as declare and implement new ones). Consider the following Sports class:class Sports{ String getName(){ return "Generic Sports"; } void getNumberOfTeamMembers(){ System.out.println( "Each team has n players in " + getName() ); }}
Next, we create a Soccer class that inherits from the Sports class. We can override the getName method and return a different, subclass-specific string:class Soccer extends Sports{ @Override String getName(){ return "Soccer Class"; }}
Note: When overriding a method, you should precede it with the @Override
annotation. The parameter(s) and return type of an overridden method must be exactly the same as those of the method inherited from the supertype.
Complete the code in your editor by writing an overridden getNumberOfTeamMembers method that prints the same statement as the superclass' getNumberOfTeamMembers method, except that it replaces with (the number of players on a Soccer team).
Output Format
When executed, your completed code should print the following:
Generic Sports
Each team has n players in Generic Sports
Soccer Class
Each team has 11 players in Soccer Class
Solution in java8
Approach 1.
void getNumberOfTeamMembers(){
System.out.printf( "Each team has %d players in %s",11, getName() );
Approach 2.
// Write your overridden getNumberOfTeamMembers method here
void getNumberOfTeamMembers() {
System.out.println("Each team has 11 players in " + getName());
Approach 3.
// Write your overridden getNumberOfTeamMembers method here
void getNumberOfTeamMembers () {
System.out.println( "Each team has 11 players in " + getName() );