Hackerrank Polar Coordinates Solution
Polar coordinates are an alternative way of representing Cartesian coordinates or Complex Numbers.
A complex number
is completely determined by its real part and imaginary part .
Here, is the imaginary unit.
A polar coordinate ()
is completely determined by modulus and phase angle .
If we convert complex number to its polar coordinate, we find:
: Distance from to origin, i.e.,
: Counter clockwise angle measured from the positive -axis to the line segment that joins to the origin.
Python's cmath module provides access to the mathematical functions for complex numbers.
This tool returns the phase of complex number (also known as the argument of ).>>> phase(complex(-1.0, 0.0))3.1415926535897931
This tool returns the modulus (absolute value) of complex number .>>> abs(complex(-1.0, 0.0))1.0
You are given a complex . Your task is to convert it to polar coordinates.
Input Format
A single line containing the complex number . Note: complex() function can be used in python to convert the input as a complex number.
Given number is a valid complex number
Output Format
Output two lines:
The first line should contain the value of .
The second line should contain the value of .
Sample Input
Sample Output
Note: The output should be correct up to 3 decimal places.
Solution in python3
Approach 1.
import cmath
c = complex(input())
Approach 2.
import cmath
c = complex(input().strip())
print("%.3f\n%.3f" % (cmath.polar(c)))
Solution in python
Approach 1.
import cmath
c = raw_input()
print abs(complex(c))
print cmath.phase(complex(c))
Approach 2.
from math import atan2
z = complex(input())
x,y = z.real, z.imag
r = (x**2+y**2)**.5
phi = atan2(y,x)
print r
print phi
Approach 3.
import sys,cmath
if sys.version_info[0]>=3: raw_input=input