How can I make a loop inside an async function with Playwright?

How to create a loop inside an async function with Playwright?

If you are working with Playwright, you might want to create a loop inside an async function to repeat a certain action multiple times. There are different ways to do this, and I will explain them below.

Method 1: Using a for loop

The first way is to use a for loop inside the async function. This method is useful when you know the number of times you want to repeat the action. Here is an example:

async function repeatAction() {
  for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

In this example, the repeatAction() function will click on a button 5 times. You can change the condition inside the for loop to repeat the action more or fewer times.

Method 2: Using a while loop

The second way is to use a while loop inside the async function. This method is useful when you don't know the number of times you want to repeat the action, but you have a condition that needs to be met before stopping. Here is an example:

async function repeatActionUntil() {
  let count = 0;
  while (count < 5) {

In this example, the repeatActionUntil() function will click on a button until it has been clicked 5 times. The count variable is used to keep track of how many times the action has been repeated.

Method 3: Using recursion

The third way is to use recursion inside the async function. This method is useful when you want to repeat the action indefinitely until a condition is met. Here is an example:

async function repeatActionRecursive() {
  await repeatActionRecursive();

In this example, the repeatActionRecursive() function will click on a button repeatedly until the function is stopped. To stop the function, you need to add a condition that will stop the recursion, such as a button becoming disabled.


These are three ways to create a loop inside an async function with Playwright. You can choose the method that best fits your needs depending on the number of times you want to repeat the action and whether you have a condition that needs to be met.

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