how to assign bootstrapswitch using jquery

how to assign bootstrapswitch using jquery

If you're looking to assign a BootstrapSwitch using jQuery, there are a few different methods that can be used. The first method is to use the .bootstrapswitch() function. This method is useful if you want to assign a BootstrapSwitch to a specific element. To use this method, you will need to include the jQuery and BootstrapSwitch files, then use the following code:


The selector can be an HTML element's ID, class, or type, depending on what you want to target. For more information, you can read the BootstrapSwitch documentation. Alternatively, you can also use the JavaScript API to assign a BootstrapSwitch. This method allows you to set the switch's attributes, events, and other settings. To use this method, you will need to include the jQuery and BootstrapSwitch files, then use the following code:

    var switch = new BootstrapSwitch('#switchId', {
      state: false,
      size: 'small',
      onSwitchChange: function(event, state) {
        // do something

The '#switchId' is the ID of the switch that you want to assign. You can also pass in a DOM object instead. The state attribute lets you set the default state of the switch, while the size attribute lets you set the size of the switch. The onSwitchChange event lets you define a callback that is triggered when the switch is changed. Using either of these methods, you can assign a BootstrapSwitch using jQuery.

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