how to check with jquery if bootstrap modal is hidden or shown

How to Check with jQuery if Bootstrap Modal is Hidden or Shown

If you are using Bootstrap for your website's frontend development, you might encounter the need to check whether a modal is hidden or shown. It can be useful in cases where you need to perform some actions based on the state of the modal.

One way to achieve this is by using jQuery. Here are two methods to do so:

Method 1: Using .hasClass() method

The .hasClass() method checks if the selected element has a specific class. In the case of modals, Bootstrap adds the 'show' class when it is visible and removes it when it is hidden. Therefore, we can use the .hasClass() method to check if the modal has the 'show' class.

$('#myModal').hasClass('show'); // Returns true if the modal is shown

This code selects the modal with ID 'myModal' and checks if it has the 'show' class. If it returns true, then the modal is currently shown.

Method 2: Using .is() method

The .is() method checks if the selected element matches a specific selector or condition. We can use this method to check if the modal is visible by selecting its backdrop element.

$('.modal-backdrop').is(':visible'); // Returns true if the modal is shown

This code selects the modal's backdrop element and checks if it is visible. If it returns true, then the modal is currently shown.

Both methods are equally effective and depend on your preference. Choose the one that works best for your code.

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