how to display a fraction number limited to decimal value two rooms using js math function
How to Display a Fraction Number Limited to Decimal Value Two Rooms Using JS Math Function
Personal Experience
I had a project where I had to display fraction numbers limited to two decimal places using JavaScript Math function. I found it to be a bit tricky at first, but after doing some research, I was able to figure it out.
To display a fraction number limited to two decimal places using JavaScript Math function, you can use the toFixed() method. This method converts a number into a string, rounding the number to the specified decimal places. Here's an example code:
let num = 5/3;
let fixedNum = num.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById("fractionNum").innerHTML = fixedNum;
In this code, we first declare a variable num and assign it a fraction number (in this case, 5/3). We then use the toFixed() method to limit the decimal places to two and assign the result to a variable fixedNum. Finally, we use getElementById() method to get the HTML element with the id "fractionNum" and set its innerHTML to fixedNum. You can also use Math.round() method to round up the number instead of truncating it. Here's an example code:
let num = 5/3;
let roundedNum = Math.round(num * 100) / 100;
document.getElementById("fractionNum").innerHTML = roundedNum;
In this code, we first declare a variable num and assign it a fraction number (in this case, 5/3). We then use the Math.round() method to round up the number by multiplying it by 100, rounding it off, and then dividing it by 100 again. We assign the result to a variable roundedNum. Finally, we use getElementById() method to get the HTML element with the id "fractionNum" and set its innerHTML to roundedNum.
Displaying a fraction number limited to two decimal places using JavaScript Math function can be done easily using the toFixed() method or the Math.round() method. By using these methods, you can display the fraction number in a format that is easy to read and understand.