how to store and extract local storage

How to Store and Extract Local Storage

Local storage is a browser feature that allows web applications to store data locally within the user's browser. This data can be accessed even after the user closes their browser and returns to the website. In this article, I will explain how to store and extract data from local storage using HTML and JavaScript.

Storing Data in Local Storage

To store data in local storage, we can use the setItem() method of the window.localStorage object. This method takes two arguments:

  • The key of the data to be stored
  • The value of the data to be stored
// Set data in local storage
window.localStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

In this example, we are storing the value "value" with the key "key". This data will be available even after the user closes their browser.

Extracting Data from Local Storage

To extract data from local storage, we can use the getItem() method of the window.localStorage object. This method takes one argument:

  • The key of the data to be extracted
// Get data from local storage
var value = window.localStorage.getItem('key');
console.log(value); // Output: "value"

In this example, we are extracting the value associated with the key "key" and storing it in the variable "value". We can then use this value in our code as needed.

Multiple Ways to Store and Extract Data

There are multiple ways to store and extract data from local storage. One alternative method is to use the localStorage[key] = value syntax to set data and the localStorage[key] syntax to get data:

// Set data in local storage
window.localStorage['key'] = 'value';

// Get data from local storage
var value = window.localStorage['key'];
console.log(value); // Output: "value"

This method achieves the same result as using setItem() and getItem(), but offers a slightly different syntax that some developers may prefer.


Local storage is a powerful tool that allows web applications to store data locally within the user's browser. By using the setItem() and getItem() methods of the window.localStorage object, we can easily store and extract data from local storage. Additionally, there are alternative syntaxes available for achieving the same result.

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