identify chrome on android using javascript

How to Identify Chrome on Android using JavaScript?

If you are a web developer, you might want to know which browser your website is being viewed on. In this case, you can use JavaScript to identify the browser, including Chrome on Android.

Method 1: Using the navigator.userAgent Property

The navigator.userAgent property returns a string that describes the user agent string of the browser. You can use this property to detect the browser, including Chrome on Android.

var isChromeOnAndroid = /Chrome\/[.0-9]* Mobile/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (isChromeOnAndroid) {
    // do something if the user is using Chrome on Android

In the above code, we first use a regular expression to check if the user agent string contains "Chrome" and "Mobile". We also check if the user agent string contains "Android". If both conditions are true, we can assume that the user is using Chrome on Android.

Method 2: Using the Property

The property is an object that is only available in Chrome browsers. You can use this property to detect if the user is using Chrome, and then check if they are using Android.

var isChromeOnAndroid = typeof !== 'undefined' && /Android/.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (isChromeOnAndroid) {
    // do something if the user is using Chrome on Android

In this code, we first check if the object is defined. If it is, we assume that the user is using Chrome. We then check if the user agent string contains "Android". If both conditions are true, we can assume that the user is using Chrome on Android.


Both methods above can be used to identify Chrome on Android using JavaScript. You can choose the method that works best for you or use both methods for better accuracy.

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