inner function in javascript

Inner Function in JavaScript

As the name suggests, an inner function is a function that is defined inside another function. In JavaScript, inner functions can access the variables and functions defined in their outer function, but not vice versa. This feature is known as closure.

Let's take an example:

function outer() {
  var outerVar = "I am defined in outer function"

  function inner() {


outer(); // Output: "I am defined in outer function"

In the above example, we have an outer function that defines a variable named outerVar, and an inner function named inner that accesses this variable and logs it to the console.

Advantages of Using Inner Functions

  • Encapsulation: Inner functions help in encapsulating the code and keeping it organized.
  • Private Variables: The variables defined in the outer function are not accessible outside the function, making them private variables.
  • Closure: Inner functions can access the variables defined in their outer function even after the outer function has returned.

Alternative Ways of Defining Inner Functions

There are a few alternative ways of defining inner functions in JavaScript:

Method 1: Using Function Declarations

function outer() {
  function inner() {
    console.log("I am an inner function!");


outer(); // Output: "I am an inner function!"

Method 2: Using Function Expressions

function outer() {
  var inner = function() {
    console.log("I am an inner function!");


outer(); // Output: "I am an inner function!"

Method 3: Using Arrow Functions

function outer() {
  const inner = () => {
    console.log("I am an inner function!");


outer(); // Output: "I am an inner function!"


Inner functions are a powerful feature of JavaScript, and they can be used to create private variables, encapsulate code, and leverage closure. Understanding how inner functions work is important for writing efficient and effective JavaScript code.

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