input variable in string javascript

Input variable in String Javascript

As a web developer, I have come across the need to input variables within a string in Javascript multiple times. One common use case is to dynamically create a string based on user input or some other data source. In this answer, I will explain how to do this using different methods in Javascript.


One way to input a variable in a string is by using concatenation. We can use the '+' operator to concatenate the variable with the string. For example:

      const name = "Raju";
      const message = "Hello " + name + "!";

In the code above, we have declared a variable 'name' with the value "Raju". We then declared another variable 'message' and concatenated the 'name' variable with the string "Hello " and "!" using the '+' operator.

Template Literals

Another way to input a variable in a string is by using template literals. Template literals are enclosed by backticks (`) and allow for embedded expressions. We can input a variable inside ${}. For example:

      const name = "Raju";
      const message = `Hello ${name}!`;

In the code above, we have declared a variable 'name' with the value "Raju". We then declared another variable 'message' and used template literals to input the 'name' variable inside the string "Hello " and "!" using ${}.

Using String Methods

Another way to input a variable in a string is by using string methods like 'replace'. The 'replace' method replaces a specified value with another value in a string. We can use a specific placeholder (e.g. '#') in the string and replace it with the variable using the 'replace' method. For example:

      const name = "Raju";
      const message = "Hello #!";
      const finalMessage = message.replace("#", name);

In the code above, we have declared a variable 'name' with the value "Raju". We then declared another variable 'message' with the string "Hello #!". We then used the 'replace' method to replace '#' with the 'name' variable and stored the final output in the 'finalMessage' variable.


In conclusion, there are multiple ways to input variables in a string in Javascript. We can use concatenation, template literals, or string methods like 'replace'. It is important to choose the appropriate method based on your specific use case and coding style.

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