javascript change hidden input value

Javascript: Change Hidden Input Value

Changing the value of a hidden input element in HTML is a common task when working with web development. In this blog post, I will explain how to change the value of a hidden input element using Javascript.

Method 1: Using the DOM

The first method to change the value of a hidden input element is by using the Document Object Model (DOM). This method involves accessing and modifying the value attribute of the input element using Javascript.

// Get the hidden input element
var hiddenInput = document.getElementById("hidden-input");

// Change its value
hiddenInput.value = "new value";

In the above code, we first retrieve the hidden input element by its ID using the getElementById() method. We then change the value of the input element by assigning a new value to its value attribute.

Method 2: Using jQuery

The second method to change the value of a hidden input element involves using jQuery. This method is similar to the previous method, but it uses the jQuery library to access and modify the input element.

// Get the hidden input element
var hiddenInput = $("#hidden-input");

// Change its value
hiddenInput.val("new value");

In this code, we first select the hidden input element using the jQuery selector $("#hidden-input"). We then change its value using the val() method and passing in the new value as a parameter.

Method 3: Using Form Submit Event

The third method to change the value of a hidden input element is by using the form submit event. This method involves attaching an event listener to the form and modifying the value of the input element when the form is submitted.

// Get the form element
var form = document.getElementById("form");

// Attach an event listener to the form submit event
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
  // Get the hidden input element
  var hiddenInput = document.getElementById("hidden-input");

  // Change its value
  hiddenInput.value = "new value";

Here, we first retrieve the form element using the getElementById() method. We then attach an event listener to the form submit event using the addEventListener() method. When the form is submitted, we retrieve the hidden input element and change its value.


These are three methods to change the value of a hidden input element using Javascript. Depending on your project requirements, you can choose any of these methods to change the value of a hidden input element.

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