javascript character ascii value modify
Javascript Character ASCII Value Modify
If you want to modify the ASCII value of a character in Javascript, you can use the charCodeAt() and fromCharCode() methods. Let's see an example:
let str = "Hello World";
let asciiVal = str.charCodeAt(0); //Get ASCII value of first character (H)
let newAsciiVal = asciiVal + 1; //Add 1 to ASCII value
let newChar = String.fromCharCode(newAsciiVal); //Convert ASCII value to character
console.log(newChar); //Outputs "I"
In this example, we first declare a string variable "str" with the value "Hello World". We then use the charCodeAt() method to get the ASCII value of the first character in the string ("H"). We store this value in the variable "asciiVal".
Next, we add 1 to the ASCII value and store it in the variable "newAsciiVal". We then use the fromCharCode() method to convert the new ASCII value back into a character, which we store in the variable "newChar". Finally, we log this new character to the console.
There are multiple ways to modify ASCII values in Javascript. Another way is to use bitwise operators. Let's see an example:
let char = "a";
let newChar = String.fromCharCode(char.charCodeAt(0) ^ 32);
console.log(newChar); //Outputs "A"
In this example, we first declare a character variable "char" with the value "a". We then use the charCodeAt() method to get the ASCII value of this character. We then use a bitwise XOR operator (^) with the value 32 to flip the 6th bit (which changes the case of the character). We then use the fromCharCode() method to convert the new ASCII value back into a character, which we store in the variable "newChar". Finally, we log this new character to the console.
These are just two examples of ways to modify ASCII values in Javascript. There are many other methods and techniques you can use, depending on your specific needs and circumstances.