javaScript encryption decryption

javaScript encryption decryption

//JavaScript encryption/decryption using Base64

function encrypt(data){
    return btoa(encodeURIComponent(data));

function decrypt(data){
    return decodeURIComponent(atob(data));

JavaScript encryption/decryption is the process of encoding or decoding data so that it can be transmitted securely between two parties. It is commonly used to protect data transmitted over the internet, and is a popular choice for encryption/decryption of data in JavaScript applications. The most widely used type of encryption/decryption in JavaScript is Base64, which is a standard encoding technique that uses 64 characters to represent encoded data.

To encrypt data using Base64, a user would use the btoa() function to convert a string into a Base64 representation. The encodeURIComponent() function can then be used to encode the data before it is inputted into the btoa() function. To decrypt the data, the atob() and decodeURIComponent() functions can be used in the reverse order, to first convert the Base64 representation of the data back into a string, and then decode it.

When using Base64 for encryption/decryption, it is important to remember that the data is not encrypted in any way, but rather encoded. This means that it is still possible for someone to decode the data, as the encryption keys are not used to protect the data. As such, it is best to use other techniques such as public-key encryption or symmetric-key encryption along with Base64 in order to truly protect the data.

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