javascript get timestamp

Javascript Get Timestamp

Getting the current timestamp in JavaScript is a common requirement for many web applications. The timestamp is a numeric representation of the current date and time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC).

Method #1: Using the Date Object

The simplest way to get the current timestamp in JavaScript is to use the built-in Date object. You can create a new instance of the Date object with no arguments, which will give you the current date and time:

      const timestamp = new Date().getTime();

The getTime() method of the Date object returns the timestamp in milliseconds.

Method #2: Using the Method

If you don't need to create a new Date object for any other purpose, you can use the static now() method of the Date object to get the current timestamp:

      const timestamp =;

This method returns the same value as new Date().getTime(), but it's slightly faster because it doesn't create a new object.

Method #3: Using Method

If you need even more precise timing, you can use the method. This method returns a high-resolution timestamp in milliseconds, with microsecond accuracy:

      const timestamp =;

Note that the value returned by is relative to the time origin, which is not always January 1, 1970. It may be a different point in time, depending on the browser and the platform.

In conclusion, there are multiple ways to get the current timestamp in JavaScript, depending on your requirements for precision and performance. Choose the method that best suits your needs and use it in your code.

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