javascript length

Javascript Length Explained

As a web developer, I have had a lot of experience working with Javascript. One of the most commonly used properties of arrays and strings in Javascript is the length property. In simple terms, the length property returns the number of items in an array or the number of characters in a string.

Using the length property with Arrays

Let's say we have an array of numbers:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(numbers.length); // Output: 5

In the above example, we have an array called numbers which contains 5 elements. We can use the length property to find out how many elements are in the array. The output will be 5.

Using the length property with Strings

We can also use the length property with strings:

const str = 'Hello World';
console.log(str.length); // Output: 11

In the above example, we have a string called str which contains 11 characters. We can use the length property to find out how many characters are in the string. The output will be 11.

Multiple Ways to Use the length Property

In addition to using the length property with arrays and strings, there are other ways we can use it as well. For example, we can use it in a loop to iterate over an array:

const colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];

for(let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {

In the above example, we have an array called colors which contains 3 elements. We use a for loop to iterate over the array and print each element to the console.

Another way we can use the length property is to resize an array:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(numbers.length); // Output: 3

numbers.length = 5;
console.log(numbers); // Output: [1, 2, 3, undefined, undefined]

In the above example, we have an array called numbers which contains 3 elements. We set the length property of the array to 5, which adds two undefined values to the end of the array.


The length property is an important part of working with arrays and strings in Javascript. It allows us to easily determine how many elements are in an array or how many characters are in a string. We can also use it in loops to iterate over arrays and we can resize arrays using the length property.

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