jquery delete a cookie

Cookies are small data files that websites save on your computer or mobile device. They store information such as login credentials or user preferences. Sometimes you may want to delete a cookie using JQuery.

The easiest way to delete a cookie using JQuery is by using the jQuery Cookie plugin. This plugin provides a convenient way to create, read, and delete cookies in JQuery.

Here is the syntax to delete a cookie using the jQuery Cookie plugin:


Make sure to replace 'cookie_name' with the name of the cookie that you want to delete.

Method 2: Using Vanilla JavaScript

If you don't want to use a plugin, you can still delete a cookie using vanilla JavaScript.

Here is the syntax to delete a cookie using vanilla JavaScript:

    document.cookie = 'cookie_name=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

Make sure to replace 'cookie_name' with the name of the cookie that you want to delete.


The first method uses the jQuery Cookie plugin to delete a cookie. The $.removeCookie() function provided by the plugin takes the name of the cookie that you want to delete as its argument. This function sets the value of the cookie to null and sets its expiration date to a date in the past, effectively deleting the cookie.

The second method uses vanilla JavaScript to delete a cookie. The code sets the value of the cookie to an empty string and sets its expiration date to a date in the past. The cookie is effectively deleted when the browser processes the cookie string.

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