jquery update array by value
How to Update an Array by Value using jQuery
If you have an array and you want to update its elements by value using jQuery, there are a few ways to do it.
Method 1: Using the jQuery .each() method
You can use the jQuery .each() method to iterate over the elements in the array and update them by value.
$( array ).each(function(index, value) {
if( value == oldValue ){
array[index] = newValue;
In this code, we are iterating over each element in the array using the jQuery .each() method. If we find an element with the value of oldValue, we update it to newValue.
Method 2: Using the jQuery .grep() method
You can also use the jQuery .grep() method to update elements in an array by value.
array = $( array ).map(function (value) {
if( value == oldValue ){
return newValue;
return value;
In this code, we are using the jQuery .map() method to create a new array with updated values. We check each value in the original array, and if it matches oldValue, we replace it with newValue.
Method 3: Using the JavaScript findIndex() method
If you prefer to use pure JavaScript, you can use the findIndex() method to find the index of the element with the specified value, and then update it.
const index = array.findIndex(value => value === oldValue);
if(index > -1){
array[index] = newValue;
In this code, we are using the findIndex() method to find the index of the element with the value of oldValue. If we find it, we update it to newValue.