js queuemicrotask

What is js queuemicrotask?

QueueMicrotask is a JavaScript method that allows you to queue a microtask to be executed at the earliest opportunity, immediately after the current task has completed. It is a new feature added in ECMAScript 2018.

This method allows you to schedule a microtask, which is a small unit of work that gets executed asynchronously, after the current event loop cycle. These microtasks are executed before the next frame is rendered and can be used to perform tasks that need to execute as soon as possible, such as updating the UI after a state change.


queueMicrotask(() => {
  console.log('This will be executed after the current task');

Here, we are queuing a microtask that will log a message to the console. This microtask will be executed immediately after the current task has completed.

Another way to achieve the same functionality is by using the Promise constructor with a resolved value:

Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  console.log('This will be executed after the current task');

This approach is functionally equivalent to using QueueMicrotask, but may be less performant in some situations.

Overall, QueueMicrotask is a useful feature that allows you to schedule work to be executed as soon as possible, helping to minimize delays in updating the UI or performing other important tasks.

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