node closes once you open app react-native

Node Closes Once You Open App React-Native

If you are a React Native developer, you may have encountered a scenario where the Node server closes as soon as you open your app. This can be quite frustrating, especially if you are working on a complex project with multiple dependencies. In this post, I will explain what causes this issue and how you can fix it.

What causes Node to close?

The most common reason why Node closes once you open your app is that the process is exiting. This can happen if there is an error in your code or if one of your dependencies crashes. By default, Node will exit if there are no more tasks left in the event loop. This means that if your app finishes executing (i.e., there are no more tasks left in the event loop), Node will exit.

How to fix the issue?

There are a few ways to fix the issue:

  • Run your app in debug mode: Running your app in debug mode can help you identify the root cause of the problem. To do this, open a terminal window and run the following command:
react-native run-ios --configuration=debug
  • Check console logs: If there is an error in your code or if one of your dependencies crashes, it will usually be logged to the console. Make sure to check the console logs for any errors or warnings.
  • Check for memory leaks: Memory leaks can cause Node to crash. Make sure to check for memory leaks using tools like heapdump or memory-usage.
  • Use a process manager: You can use a process manager like pm2 to keep your Node server running. This will ensure that your server does not exit even if there are no more tasks left in the event loop.


In conclusion, Node closes once you open your app in React Native because the process is exiting. This can be caused by errors in your code, crashes in your dependencies, or memory leaks. To fix the issue, you can run your app in debug mode, check console logs, check for memory leaks, or use a process manager like pm2.

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