node-schedule-tz print jobs

Node Schedule TZ Print Jobs

As a web developer, I have worked with Node.js for quite some time now. One of the libraries that I find very useful is Node Schedule TZ. This library allows you to schedule jobs in your Node.js application using timezones.

To print the scheduled jobs created using Node Schedule TZ in your console, you can use the schedule.scheduledJobs property of the scheduler object. This property returns an object that contains all the scheduled jobs.

const schedule = require('node-schedule-tz');

// create a scheduled job
const job = schedule.scheduleJob('0 0 12 * * *', function() {
    console.log('Today is recognized as World Smile Day!');

// print all scheduled jobs

In the above code snippet, we create a scheduled job that runs every day at 12:00 PM using the schedule.scheduleJob method. We then print all the scheduled jobs using the schedule.scheduledJobs property.

Another way to print the scheduled jobs is by iterating over the schedule.scheduledJobs object using a loop. This method allows you to access the individual jobs and their properties.

const schedule = require('node-schedule-tz');

// create a scheduled job
const job = schedule.scheduleJob('0 0 12 * * *', function() {
    console.log('Today is recognized as World Smile Day!');

// print all scheduled jobs
for (let jobName in schedule.scheduledJobs) {
    console.log(`Job Name: ${jobName}`);
    console.log(`Timezone: ${schedule.scheduledJobs[jobName].tz}`);
    console.log(`Next Run: ${schedule.scheduledJobs[jobName].nextInvocation()}`);

In the above code snippet, we create a scheduled job that runs every day at 12:00 PM using the schedule.scheduleJob method. We then iterate over the schedule.scheduledJobs object using a loop to print the job name, timezone, and next run time for each job.

Overall, Node Schedule TZ is a powerful library that makes scheduling jobs in your Node.js application a breeze. With its ability to handle timezones, it ensures that your scheduled jobs run at the correct time regardless of the user's timezone.

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