phaser pause animation instances

Phaser Pause Animation Instances

Phaser is a popular HTML5 game development framework that provides a lot of functionality for creating games with JavaScript. One of the features of Phaser is the ability to pause animation instances. An animation instance is an individual instance of an animation, which can be paused or resumed independently from other instances.

Why Pause Animation Instances?

Pausing animation instances can be useful in a variety of situations. For example:

  • If the game is paused (e.g. the player opens a menu), it may be desirable to pause all animations to avoid distracting the player.
  • If an animation needs to be paused temporarily (e.g. the player collides with an obstacle), it can be resumed once the obstacle has been cleared.

How to Pause Animation Instances in Phaser

There are several ways to pause animation instances in Phaser:

Method 1: Using the pause method

The simplest way to pause an animation instance is to call its pause method:

var anim = sprite.animations.getAnimation('walk');

This will pause the 'walk' animation instance for the sprite.

Method 2: Using the paused property

You can also set the paused property of the animation instance to true:

var anim = sprite.animations.getAnimation('walk');
anim.paused = true;

This will have the same effect as calling the pause method.

Method 3: Using the autoPause property

If you want all animation instances to be automatically paused when the game is paused, you can set the autoPause property of the game object to true:

// Set the game to automatically pause animations
game.stage.autoPause = true;

This will cause all animation instances to be paused when the game is paused.

How to Resume Animation Instances in Phaser

Resuming animation instances is just as easy as pausing them. Here are three ways to do it:

Method 1: Using the resume method

To resume an animation instance, simply call its resume method:

var anim = sprite.animations.getAnimation('walk');

This will resume the 'walk' animation instance for the sprite.

Method 2: Using the paused property

You can also set the paused property of the animation instance to false:

var anim = sprite.animations.getAnimation('walk');
anim.paused = false;

This will have the same effect as calling the resume method.

Method 3: Using the autoPause property

All animation instances that were paused due to autoPause will automatically resume when the game is resumed.

// Resume all paused animations


Pausing animation instances is a useful feature that can be used in many different situations. Phaser provides several ways to pause and resume animation instances, so you can choose the method that works best for your particular use case.

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