purecomponent re rendering
PureComponent Re-Rendering
As a developer, you may encounter issues with performance when your React app re-renders components unnecessarily. These unnecessary re-renders can occur due to changes in props or state that do not actually affect the UI. One way to optimize your React app's performance is by using PureComponent.
What is PureComponent?
PureComponent is a built-in React component that extends the functionality of the base Component class. PureComponent implements a shallow comparison of props and state, which allows it to determine if a component should re-render or not. If the new props or state are the same as the previous props or state, then the component will not re-render.
How to Use PureComponent
You can use PureComponent in your React app by importing it from the 'react' package and extending it in your component class:
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
class MyComponent extends PureComponent {
// ...
Once you have extended the PureComponent class, you can use it like any other React component. The difference is that PureComponent will automatically optimize your component's re-rendering by performing shallow comparisons of the new props or state with the previous ones.
When to Use PureComponent
PureComponent is best used when you have a component that receives a lot of props but only a few of them actually affect the UI. By using PureComponent, you can optimize your app's performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders of these components.
Other Ways to Optimize React Components
In addition to using PureComponent, there are other ways you can optimize your React components:
- Memoization: Memoization is a technique that involves caching the results of expensive function calls so that they do not have to be recomputed every time they are called. You can use memoization to optimize the rendering of functional components in React.
- ShouldComponentUpdate: The shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method allows you to manually control when a component should re-render. By default, this method returns true, which means that the component will always re-render when its props or state change. However, you can override this method to implement custom logic for determining when a component should re-render.
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (this.props.someProp === nextProps.someProp && this.state.someState === nextState.someState) {
return false; // Prevents unnecessary re-render
return true; // Allow re-render
By using PureComponent and other optimization techniques, you can improve the performance of your React app and create a smoother user experience.