react Colored rating

React Colored Rating

React Colored Rating is a React component that allows users to provide ratings using colored stars or any other icons. It is a very useful component for e-commerce websites, review websites, or any websites that require user ratings. The component is highly customizable and allows you to change the color, size, style, and position of the icons.

How to Use React Colored Rating

The first step in using React Colored Rating is to install it using npm. You can install it by running the following command in your project directory:

npm install react-colored-rating --save

Once you have installed the package, you can import it in your React component:

import { ColoredRating } from 'react-colored-rating';

After importing the component, you can use it in your JSX code:


The above code will render a rating component with 4 filled stars and 1 empty star. The filled stars will have a color of #FFC107 and the empty stars will have a color of #DCDCDC. The size of the stars will be 30px.

Customizing React Colored Rating

React Colored Rating provides many customization options that allow you to change the appearance and behavior of the component. Some of the customization options are:

  • rating: The current rating value. This is a required prop.
  • totalStars: The total number of stars to display. This is a required prop.
  • filledColor: The color of the filled stars.
  • emptyColor: The color of the empty stars.
  • size: The size of the stars.
  • onRatingChange: A callback function that is called when the user changes the rating.

You can use these customization options to create a rating component that matches the style of your website. For example, you can change the colors of the stars to match the color scheme of your website:


You can also change the size of the stars to make them larger or smaller:


In conclusion, React Colored Rating is a highly customizable React component that allows you to create rating components in your React applications. It is easy to use and provides many customization options that allow you to create a rating component that matches the style of your website.

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